Featured Speakers


Dr. J.J. Peterson

Since 2013, Dr. J.J. Peterson has used the StoryBrand Framework to help thousands of organizations clarify their message in order to grow their business. He holds a PhD in Communication and has spent the last 20 years practicing and teaching communication theory. J.J. has studied C.S. Lewis in Oxford, debated theology with filmmakers at the Sundance Film Festival, directed a documentary, served in marketing and PR for two multinational non-profit organizations, serves as a professor in Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Management, and has spoken to thousands of people about creating a clear message. As the Head of StoryBrand, J.J. travels around the world facilitating StoryBrand workshops and keynotes, helping people grow their business.

Most business leaders struggle to talk about what they do. At StoryBrand, we’ve created a communication framework that helps people clarify their message so their business starts growing again. We can help you clarify your message at StoryBrand.com

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